Treatments we offer:

Sports Therapist

Sports Therapy

Sports Therapy is the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries, often but not exclusively, in a sporting context. We work primarily in musculoskeletal healthcare but our training may also include sports psychology, sociology, public health and advanced first aid. A level 6 Sports Therapist can offer a more in depth assessment than a massage Therapist, and provide treatments such as joint and spinal mobilisations as well as exercise advice, guidance and programming.

Sports Massage Harrogate

Sports Massage

Sports massage is not just for athletes, many people benefit from this form of Swedish massage. It’s slightly deeper and more specific to problem areas than you may be used to with a spa type massage. Sports massage can help prepare you for sport and exercise, maintain your level of training and help you recover from training and competition.

Deep tissue massage is also helpful for non sporting clients, to relieve the stresses and strains of every day life, for example an office worker with back and neck pain.

Rocktape Kinesio Tape

Tape /Other techniques

We offer other treatments along side our Sports Therapy and Sports Massage sessions, such as Rocktape kinesiology taping applications and instrument assisted massage.